Hurray, Hurricane is right around the corner! Only 23 more days until we will spend 3 exciting days in Scheeßel, sleeping in a VW van, listening to fantastic bands, drinking water or other non-alcoholic drinks (yay!), eating dinner from plastic dishes and having a lot of fun!

I really hope it will be a lot of fun because it’s probably our last festival for a long time. At least for two or three years, until the baby is old enough to spend some days at its grandparents. But actually, I don’t even doubt it could be fantastic, there are really awesome bands playing there this year. So to increase everybody’s anticipation, I’m going to share the bands I’m looking forward to the most with you during the next 3 weeks!

Let’s start with a girl duo called „Boy“. We recently saw them in Hamburg and really liked them a lot, so it will be great seeing them again at the festival.

My favorite song is „Little numbers“ and besides the music, I think it’s a really beautiful video!


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Any festivals you planned for this summer?



  1. No festivals this year but taking the boat down to Portsmouth to see Phish in June. Have fun!! Don’t forget the sunscreen and I love a parasol to get out of the sun!

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