Here are some pictures of my birthday weekend. As you can see in the very first picture, the sun came out for …at least for this picture. Funnily, I got up, looked at the clock in our bathroom and saw that it was exactly 09:06 am on the 9th of June. A petty good start into the day. It became even better when I received all these amazing cakes, flowers and presents and when my family arrived, of course.

It’s so funny, I’m 27 now, a mother to be, but nevertheless, I’m still looking like a little girl, excited about all the presents, wondering what might be in that envelope I’m opening.

These presents are just so perfect, I love the little Tea Party Kit, including delicious tea, heart shaped sugar, hot chocolate, butterfly shaped chocolate and much more. Combined with the book „The Vintage Tea Party“ it is screaming for a tea party with the girls somewhen in the near future.

I want to say a big „thank you“ to everybody who celebrated and spent time with me, for all the fantastic presents I got and for giving me the feeling that you care about me and love me. It’s so good to have all of you in my life! Thank you all!



  1. It’s true, you still look like young Joe when you’re opening your presents when I compare it to the old fotos :)
    And with some fantasy you can imagine a weird face in the chocolate topping of my cake…. :D
    It was a beautiful day!

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