It’s time to present another favorite band I’m looking forward to see at the upcoming Hurricane Festival. Mumford & Sons.

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Their music always makes me think at a little trip to Denmark my boyfriend and I did one and a half year ago, we drove there by car and listened to their album „Sigh No More“ nearly the whole time. It makes music so much more special when you connect an experience with it – preferably a good one, of course.

What I really like about the songs of Mumford & Sons is that they are so different from all these mainstream songs out there. They are warm and powerful and rhythmically, I like, that they play their instruments themselves and I really love their use of unusual instruments. While searching on You Tube for a song I could use for this blog post, I found this special version of „The Cave“:


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The use of the accordion gave me goose bumps, but in a very pleasant way. I hope, you like it as much as I do and if you ever have the chance to see Mumford & Sons, don’t miss it! I’m really excited to see them so soon!


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