Last Friday I missed the „It’s the little things“ post because there was no way to get connected to the internet while staying at the festival area. But this week I’m in again, so here is what made me happy during the last week:


I’m over the moon to finally feel our sweet little baby gently kicking me! It’s such an indescribable, unbelievable, fantastic feeling that I really don’t know how to put it in words. I’m looking so forward to feel these kicks during the remaining 20 weeks, it’s one of the best things ever!

This cute little, white dress has been sprayed to the sidewalk nearby where I live. There are more of them and they guided me to a really cute shop which unfortunately was closed the time I found it. But I will be back, for sure!


Having a really good time with my boyfriend with lots of love, really few fights, a lot of quality time – it feels like we’re a really good team right now.

I discovered that my hair gets wavy when I just let it dry in the air without blow-drying it. I love curls and waves, I’ve always wanted to be curly haired. But this is a good compromise.


Waking up with the sun shining through our window.

Our balcony flowers are finally blooming, yay!


Yap, strawberries. They make me happy again and again and again.

I found some really cute stuff at Accessorize yesterday and the best thing about it is that everything was 50% off!

Hello Hue Little Things

Have a look over at Hello Hue to see what made the other girls happy during the last week.



  1. love this post! those strawberries look delicious…and you & your boyfriend’s mugs are super cute. congrats on feeling the little one kick! :)

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