Yesterday morning, I finally had time to snap some photos again while Lotta was asleep. It was St. Nicholas‘ Day and we each got a little something stuck in the boot we polished and put out in front of the door the evening before (actually, we did not really polish our boots and they did not stand outside the door but that’s how it should be, so lets imagine we made it right). For those of you who don’t have an idea what I am talking about: St. Nicholas‘ day is celebrated in Germany on December 6 as a small prelude to Christmas where you wake up in the morning to find sweets and a little gift – or a birch for those who haven’t been good during the year – in a boot you prepared the way we did the evening before.
It is much harder to get back into some routine than I thought it would be. Not because it is stressful with Lotta, it is just so fantastic to hold her in my arms and snuggle her the whole day that there’s not much time to do anything else. Especially not for the things you need both hands for to do them – like taking photos. But every now and then I bring myself to put her into her basket or in her daddy’s arms and do something else.
The Christmas bus above and the presents in the pictures in the bottom of the post are from my friend Lotta (yes, there are two Lottas in my life). She always makes the most beautiful and thoughtful gifts which are also wrapped and decorated so lovely! So thank you very much, Lotta!
I hope everybody else had a great St. Nicholas‘ Day, too!
Love, Johanna