
So here it is! One of the baby blankets I’ve been working on during pregnancy! Luckily I finished it in time – it is in daily use now. It has the perfect size and I am more than happy with how it turned out. I had a tough time making the fabric choice because nothing seemed to fit together – but in the end, it turned out as a modern, colorful, happy baby blanket.

Lately at the pediatrician one of the doctor’s receptionists even asked me where I got this beautiful blanket! It’s always something different when a stranger likes what you did because although it is much more important that family and friends like what I do, they would never tell me that something I made by myself was totally ugly, even if it was. I guess. So I really enjoyed the comment about Lotta’s blanket by someone unfamiliar.


I bought fabric like crazy for this blanket – every time I saw a beautiful fabric I told myself it would fit perfectly and bought half a meter. In the end I had so many awesome fabrics that I couldn’t use all of them because unfortunately, they did not all work together. But something really turns out the way I planned is the back of the blanket! I chose a soft baby corduroy fabric in a beautiful polka dot design and it is so soft, I love it!


I also like the stitched details a lot, like the outlines of the star and the heart in a bright color as well as the headlight of the Vespa. The stitched clouds next to Big Ben were my boyfriend’s idea and I really like the thought that he was somehow involved in the process of making this blanket this way.



Do you know Astrid Lindgren?

She wrote some fantastic books about a little girl called Lotta, Lotta on Troublemaker Street. She has a cuddly toy which she calls her „Teddy“ although it looks like a pig. And the pig you see in the corner of the bed is „Teddy“. We bought Teddy ourselves some weeks before Lotta’s birth because when you are a Lotta, you definitively need a Teddy in the shape of a pig. And that is exactly what my dear friend Lotta thought (it is kind of comfusing to write about three Lottas in one post), so she gave Teddy as a gift to her birth to Lotta, too. Now we have Teddy in pink and in red, but I guess they enjoy each other’s company until our little Lotta is old enough to carry them around.




  1. I loooove Lotta i Spetabelmagergade! Now I’m thinking about the one when she gets a Christmastree – the best! When I was a kid I wished for one of those pigs, I even tried to make one myself. Lotta is lucky – and cute she is :)

  2. Liebe Johanna,

    die herzlichsten Glückwünsche auch von mir! Ich wünsche Lotta & euch alles Gute!!!
    Ich verfolge schon seit längerem deinen wundervollen Blog. Es macht sehr viel Spaß zu sehen, wie du deine kreativen Ideen umsetzt. Ich bin mir sicher, dass die kleine Lotta sich auf keiner anderen Decke wohler fühlen würde :)

    Viele Grüße
    Inge (von Jule ;) )

  3. It’s decided, I have to get some of the fabric with the Russian dolls on it. I keep talking myself out of it but I’ve seen so many cute quilts with it. I love your quilt–simple but stunning-especially with that dot backing.

    • Johanna Reply

      Hallo Sarah,

      den „Teddy“ haben wir in einem Laden hier in der Schanze gekauft, aber es gibt ihn natürlich auch online. Er ist von Maileg und es gibt auch noch tolle gepunktete oder gestreifte Teddys, such einfach mal bei Google danach.
      Ich hab zum Beispiel gleich das hier gefunden: http://www.michaelsen-living.de/Maileg-Schwein-Ros-Stoff

      Viele liebe Grüße von Johanna

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