Unbezahlte Werbung

Ich gestehe – ich habe eine Vorliebe für Schönes. Wer hier schon länger liest, der weiß das. Einige Marken haben es mir besonders angetan, ich liebe Ferm Living, House of Rym, Donna Wilson, Fine Little Day – um nur einige von ihnen zu nennen. Ihr könnt euch vielleicht vorstellen, wie außerordentlich entzückt und begeistert ich war, dass es einen neuen Online Shop gibt, in dem es so viele Marken gibt, die ich liebe: CottonBallon.

Deswegen kann ich natürlich gar nicht anders, als euch meine Favoriten zu zeigen und euch Kawita, die Gründerin von CottonBallon vorzustellen.

Favoriten CottonBallon

Gran Tablett Fine Little Day Grün | Wallhanging Grow Slow | Poster Apple Papple Fine Little Day | Gran Wax Kinderschürze | Fruiticana Bettwäsche Ferm Living | Mono Katze Donna Wilson | Wald Teller Donna Wilson | Emaille Becher Gretas Schwester | Weltkarte Gretas Schwester | Hanging Adventure Mobilé House of Rym | Tassen Meyer Lavigne | Rucksäcke Sticky Lemon | Schneeanzug Mini Rodini | Tablett Fuchs Donna Wilson

Please meet Kawita, Founder of CottonBallon

Hi Kawita. You just launched the new online shop „CottonBallon“. Can you tell us a little bit about yourself, the person behind the shop?

Sure. I grew up in Thailand, married a French man and live now in Germany. After having navigated the world together, I initially started a career as a Space Engineer, having a longstanding passion for our Universe. My life all changed when we welcomed the arrival on Earth of our 2 little boys, Eden and Helio. I dedicated myself to them and fell in love with their world. This is when I decided to start a whole new adventure, by creating a Family Concept Store, to help others nurture this very special moment in life when a family is being created for long-lasting bonds, and build a beautiful “nest” with beautiful and inspiring items.

Where is the difference between CottonBallon and other shops? What makes it special?

CottonBallon is a very personal experience. It is not designed for business purposes and quick-revenues, but truly for the passion of quality lifestyle clothing and decoration. Since I entirely merge CottonBallon with own, personal life, I only source products that I really love, that I imagine fitting well together in my family environment. Therefore I pay the highest attention to the quality of the products, their fair manufacturing and origin, and their ability to last long. Oh, and they need to have a little “wow factor” that makes you fall for them. So this shop is not based on market studies, but really on the personal experience of home life, with the belief that others will also find themselves in this neat, family-proven environment.

Noch mehr Lieblingsdinge, die bei CottonBallon zu finden sind:

Kissenbezug Gran | „Let them eat cake“ Teller House of Rym | Handbestickte Krabbeldecke Yume | Glücksbringer Mondhase Yume | Teekanne Watercolors Nuuk | Fruiticana Bettwäsche Ferm Living | Bluse Ophelia Kids on the moon |

How does it work out for you being self-employed and a mom? How do you organize your day to make sure you get everything done? Any secret tipps?

This needs some organization indeed, but turned out less complicated than I imagined. The kids attend school until middle of the afternoon, giving me good time to focus on this project, and do the “physical” aspects of it such as taking care of shipments. When they come back home, the transition between this job and taking care of them is rather smooth because their world is connected to my project. I do not need to “shift“ my brain as much as if I worked in a different industry. When the kids sleep, I get back time to focus. It is also an advantage that everything is managed online. I can handle many activities from any place, at any time, except from packing, shipping, and receiving goods. And I should also mention that my husband stands ready for help when needed. All in all, the school time, the fact that it can be managed remotely, family support, and the fact that I do something I truly love, connected with my life, make it work.

What’s coming up on CottonBallon?

A lot of exciting things are coming up. First, I will host the launch of a brand new, high-quality brand called Yume. Then in November, I will run a weekly promotion with discount on focus brands and products, changing every week. In December, this promotion will be changing brands and products every day. I want to make sure that everyone is well prepared for a beautiful Fall and Christmas to come.

Thank you very much for the little interview, Kawita!

Happy Shopping mit Gewinn und Gutschein von CottonBallon

Ich bin mir sicher, dass ihr. bei Kawita das ein oder andere hübsche Teil findet – für euch, als Geschenk oder für die Kinder. Auf Instagram könnt ihr bis morgen (15.10.2018) einen 100 Euro Gutschein für CottonBallon gewinnen. Und mit dem Code „Johanna20“ bekommt ihr bis zum 17. Oktober 20% Rabatt auf eure Bestellung.

Viel Spaß beim Stöbern.



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